Release to enjoy a flexible mind

So, how can we maximise our everyday enjoyment?

All pictures from PixababyAn everyday enjoyment is a powerful phenomenon to establish in the first place, yes I know. I for one was one who could not let go of the mindset that kept striving to fulfil what I thought was a better my own.

Eventually, after many… and many years, I turned to look at it the other way and accepted it; forgave myself of my created habits just to enjoy tomorrow’s view.

The enjoyment is the remembrance to ourselves that today is just as must to enjoy as we would be when our dreams would already be fulfilled. The future is very important, yes of course, but, more importantly, is it not to oversee the current moments that keep you. All that the future holds are the many moments we collect of the present time; we create our own future by every little step (we are entrepreneurs)

Every step we make, every move we take, there is a habit that keeps you to continue. These little habits differ, but could sometimes be neglected therefore fall out of habit.

If you decide to keep a patron of daily movements to keep your body in shape, or feel the need to strict your diet to a certain level… sometimes you start discovering that along the way, so often these patrons tend to fall out of habit, and your back at one.

Forgive yourself and make a better patron, one where your change that little thought to “cross your heart” promises.

One where you can take pride in your effort, it stimulates the mind, it boosts your energy.

Give an extra smile to your neighbour (work or at home) and you’ll see the more positive and energy come in return (over time)

And lastly, take small steps. Don’t go overdoing it with mountainous leaps, just to shorten the distance to your goal. (The counter list)

Remember, your goal might not be as satisfying as you hoped it would be, for it is not the destiny but the journey to it that makes live worthwhile.

All photo from tip… Time to celebrate every little success you have achieved. That too makes not only you smile and reach for more, but encouragement is contagious.

Enjoy every moment… Look at beautiful paintings and photos, such as I find at Russian artist, who has nice works in stock, or completing a specific amount of books (Enigma) for this year.

For more on such habits, I suggest reading my article How and where to get started on a disciplined habit and, of course, Stepping beyond your limits gives another point of view to boosting you along.

Now you tell me… How will you make the most of your habits to achieve that flexible mind?

About Silverliningminds

Silverliningminds is a platform to gather thoughts and awareness. Any who love to share equal coincidences are always welcome. Mind-boggling subjects are brought up and entertaining stories are told. Feel free to browse around.
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1 Response to Release to enjoy a flexible mind

  1. All good advice, which blend well with the factoid I heard on a TED talk to the other day that people are much happier when they think about what they’re doing, instead of letting their mind wander to other topics. Good post!


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